Updated Morchella cultural collection in the Spawn Lab at Penn State
Finally I am working on my final version of my Master thesis and here I posted the updated Morchella cultural collection in the Spawn Lab...

A brief summary on recent papers on Morchella
• Disease on morel Pileus rot disease was first observed on cultivated Morchella importuna in 2013 in China (He et al., 2018a). The...

Morel in Festival Food!!!
The Duanwu Festival (端午节), also often known as the Dragon Boat Festival, is a traditional holiday originating in China. Chinese have been...

The Cold Truth Behind The Morel Heat
If you search “ 羊肚菌种植” (more cultivation) on the internet, you will find overwhelming advertisement of morel cultivation training. Morels...

The 3rd National Morchella Conference was held in Xianggelila, China
The 3rd National Morchella Conference was held in Xianggelila, China from March 9th to 11th. Unfortunately, I did not have the chance to...

Mushroom Poster For PPEM Department
A second version of mushroom poster. Still need further adjustment.

Unveil the Mysterious of Morel Cultivation in China
In March, I and my advisor Dr. John Pecchia took a long flight to Songzi City, China to attend the Chinese Morel Industry Conference and...

Morels and Me!
Harvested some morels from my lab!

Life Cycle of Morchella spp.
Before we try to cultivate morels, or in order to successfully cultivate morels, we need to understand the life cycle of Morchella spp....

What are Morels?
Definition: What are morels? They are one of the most prized edible fungi in the world! If we define morels using biology words, morels...